- 25 degree azimuth resolution
- 10 degree azimuth resolution
- 360 degree rotation
- +/- 90 degree elevation range @ 0.1 degree per step
- DC-6 to 50 GHz measurement range

- Configurable up to 50 GHz coax and 110GHz WR10 Waveguide
- Adjustable Z axis for precision AUT Centering
- High Resolution
- 0.025 Deg - Theta / Turntable, .025 Deg - Phi/Roll
- Weight Capacity - Turntable-150 Lb, Phi/Roll-25 Lb
- Low-noise coaxial rotary joints.
- Upgradable to 4-5 Axis
- 24" Diameter turnable plate , 10" Diameter roll plate

Ultra Broadband Calibrated Antennas DC - 40GHz
- Special lens for broadband high gain
- Silver plated elements
- Low VSWR, Built-in alignment laser
- Monotonically increasing gain
- Constant phase center ,Light Weight Construction